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Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sunday: I have been diligent in the library away from morning until night. ptsl exam is always open even though d weekend. except for the first weekend is close. Sunday will be open as usual. I salute lorr

I really want telling, ptsl weekend is where I spend the whole day.  subuh at ktho and zohor,asar,magrib and isya' at the mosque ptsl.

what I do in the library? hmm ... read and read. all sorts of books I read. journals ranging from newspapers. notes for the exams of course I have read.

after my exam on wednesday, I learned and make notes on fssk (lecture halls and classrooms) the one thing I'm not satisfied is .. Chinese students will master the lecture rooms..

This time I was accompanied by Johana, a friend in college, friends in a rotu, may become a lifelong friend to me .. (",) she is a positive, assertive, confident of what she did. I really respect someone who is objective and purpose of life. her seemed to know what she want in life  ( assumption only).. and me?

I have something I need to do. It is my duty and responsibility. implement a trust responsibility to continue to live as long as may be viable. InsyaALLAH. 

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